Access my account
Remember that we only offer our services in France and Italy for light vehicles (weight less than 3.5 t and height less than 3 meters) and that we do not issue an invoice, but a proof of payment for transits made on the French and Italian network.
VIA-T mobe® is an interoperable ETC device accepted as a mean of payment in our network of suppliers, made up of all the motorways in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy and more than 500 car parks. It is placed on the windscreen of your vehicle and allows you to pay without stopping, without tickets and without queuing.
Through our website. It's the only way. Once the sign-up is completed, you will receive your VIA-T mobe® by courier at the address of your choice. If you have any questions or problems during the recruitment process please contact us at pagatelia@verramobility.com
In our section of plans you can see the details of each of them (www.pagatelia.com/en/plans). Remember that in all of them the services included are the same.
If you use the VIA-T mobe® 5 or less months a year, we recommend the Free Time plan. If, on the other hand, you plan to use your VIA-T mobe® more than 5 months a year, choose the Easy Plan or the Frequent User Plan.
You have to link a payment method, but not necessarily a credit card, as direct debits to Spanish bank accounts and PayPal accounts are also admitted.
Your VIA-T mobe® will arrive by courier to the address indicated within 24-48 business hours. Please note that if the payment method chosen is direct debit, we will not be able to proceed with the shipment until the payment is reconciled, so the deadline may be longer. Also, for shipments outside Spain the delivering time may be increased.
When you sign up for our service, a payment account is automatically created in Pagatelia. This account is linked to the payment method you have chosen (Card, spanish bank account or PayPal account).
At the time of registration you will choose a minimum balance and an initial balance. In your user profile you will be able to check your balance, on which we will charge you the different tolls or parking that you make.
As many times as your balance falls below the minimum established threshold, our platform will generate an automatic recharge order for the amount you have configured.
We recommend that you click here to see the explanatory video.
Don't worry, there's a possibility that your account balance may become negative from time to time. Since our model is not a prepayment, the minimum balance we require is a guarantee. In this case our platform will generate a top-up for the sufficient amount to cover the negative part and the minimum balance required.
In any case, your VIA-T mobe® will always remain active.
No, in Pagatelia there isn't any commitment of permanence. You can unsubscribe whenever you want without any kind of penalty. All you have to do is return the device to us and we will program the full refund of your balance.
Heavy vehicles: In Spain and Portugal, YES. In France and Italy, NO, we only provide services for light vehicles (maximum 3.5 meters high and 3 tons in weight).
Motorbikes: YES. In every country.
Yes, to avoid problems in Portugal or Italy, since May 2018 we require all new users to associate a license plate to their device.
Important: If you are going to travel to one of these countries, it is very important that, if you have not already done so, you associate the license. You can do this through your user profile. Remember that you can modify it as many times as you want.
It's very simple and fast! In the following link we explain you how.
Important: Remember to place it in the dotted zone your windscreen to avoid interferences in the communication between the antennas and your device.
You should let us know as soon as possible by email (pagatelia@verramobility.com) or telephone (Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm) so that we can block your VIA-T mobe®.
If the antenna does not detect the device and the barrier does not open, wait for an operator to assist you.
You should NOT, in any case:
-Get out of the vehicle.
-Take the device out of the vehicle.
-Drive backwards.
It's very simple. To unsubscribe just send us an email to pagatelia@verramobility.com and we will tell you the steps to follow.
Once we receive your device we will proceed to schedule the return of your balance.
Pagatelia has the most competitive and complete offer in the electronic toll VIA-T market. These are our conditions:
1) VIA-T mobe® is a payment device for car-related services and is issued by Pagatelia.
2) We have three different plans: Easy Plan, Frequent User and Free Time (www.pagatelia.com/tarifas-viat).
3) The use in Italy and France has a cost of 2'4€ per natural month of use for each country in which you use it. If you don't use it, you don't pay anything.
4) There are no additional fees or commitment to stay. If you don't use it, you just have to return us the device.
5) You have access to online invoicing. Free of charge. For France and Italy we do not issue an invoice, only proof of payment.
6) You don't have to worry about toping up your account. Top ups are automatic, through the associated payment method. In your user profile you can choose the amount -we recommend selecting the average monthly consumption- and the minimum balance below which an automatic recharge will be generated.
7) The balance and the automatic recharge of your account will be a minimum of 15€ for light vehicles and 250€ for heavy vehicles (>3.5 Tn.).
8) Top ups costs vary depending on the payment method associated. They are as follows:
-Card (VISA/Mastercard) issued to individuals: 0.25€.
-Card (VISA/Mastercard) issued to companies/self-employed persons: 0.99€ for each 100€
-Card (American Express): 0,99€ for each 100€
-International Cards/Other Cards (e.g. issued by Carrefour Financial Services): €0.99 for each €100
-Paypal Account: 0,99€ for each 50€
-Spanish bank account: 0,25€.
Pagatelia safeguards the funds of the users following the procedure established in art. 10 a) of Law 16/2009, of Payment Services, not mixing at any time the funds of the user and the funds of the entity. In addition, they are deposited in separate accounts in credit institutions, which are informed of the nature of these accounts for greater security. These funds have the right of separation in a hypothetical case of insolvency of the institution.
Our experienced customer care team will take care of you and solve any doubt you may have.
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